Finding Time for Your Writing

Writing is a way of exposing our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. A simple way for us to show the world what we feel or think, our desires and frustrations. It’s the possibility of turning our imagination into a captivating story.

A moment of amazing inspiration, when an idea seems to explode in your mind and transform itself into a good story. But alas, it’s not enough. You need time. Stopping might be required to elaborate the ideas that previously emerged uncontrolled in your head.

Every day a lot of interesting thoughts come to your mind, and you would like to write them down and make something beautiful with them. However, the first thing that comes out of your mouth is “I don’t even have the time to write all this down”.

Getting this time is essential, writing cleans your soul, and it’s a great antidepressant, even when you write only for yourself, and no one else will even read it.

So, I’ll let you in on some tips, in order to help you find some time for writing.

1. Get up earlier

Even if earlier means just 10 minutes, it’s a good way of starting your day, and there’s nothing like a silent house, to help us focus. The dreams are still present in your mind, and the ideas flow without filters or blame in your half-asleep brain.

2. Write in every spare second you have.

Take a notebook and a pencil or pen everywhere you go. Seize each moment where life forces you to wait, and write (waiting for a doctor’s appointment, a bus… even while on a trip).

You can also choose to always have a recording device with you and use it while driving or during any other repetitive task in your day-to-day life.

3. Define priorities and learn how to say no.

Many times, we lose hours in useless situations, with activities that we didn’t want to do to begin with. It’s important to define the space that writing should occupy in your life and know how to say no to other people if, on that day, you’d rather be writing instead of doing anything else.

I hope these small tips have provided some support for all lovers of writing and/or reading, and if you want to share your writings, I’d be glad to help you. Just send it to the page Há Vida Entre As Linhas, on Facebook. (Despite it being in Portuguese, we have followers from all over the world and we share texts in every language you’d like.)

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